Nitrous oxide is an effective sedative that is used during dental treatments. It is a colorless inorganic gas that helps the patient to relax. Nitrous oxide is also famously known as laughing gas. The sedative is mixed with oxygen and inhaled through a mask that allows the patient to relax, overcoming anxiety and fear. Uptown Smiles provide nitrous oxide to the patients during oral surgeries through exceptional care, expertise and education of the patient's overall health.

What Are the Uses of Nitrous Oxide?

  • Some patients may have a gag reflex which might interfere with dental treatments. Nitrous oxide helps to reduce this gag reflex.
  • Inhalation of the sedative calms down mentally or physically disabled patients and helps them sit through the dental treatments.
  • Some dental procedures may take a longer time than usual and nitrous oxide increases the patients' tolerance to undergo it. 
  • It is beneficial for patients who are uncooperative in dental treatments. Laughing gas reduces their fear and anxiety and gets them ready for the procedure. 
  • The sedative enables communication with the patient. Nitrous oxide does not put the patient to sleep, and hence they can cooperate through communication with the dentist. 

Advantages of Nitrous Oxide 

  • The sedative is easy to administer on the patient, and it quickly takes effect on the body. 
  • It also wears out faster, and the recovery is immediate.
  • It is odorless and does not cause any irritation inhaled through the mask.
  • Nitrous oxide is a safe sedative that does not cause any harm or side effects to the patient. 
  • It is the ideal option for patients who cannot obtain local anesthesia.

Nitrous Oxide for Children

Laughing gas is an effective method of sedation for children who fear dental treatments. It provides a tingling sensation to the children when inhaled and calms them down for pediatric treatment. 

It restricts movement during the dental treatment, enabling the dentists to finish the procedure efficiently without interference from the children. An interaction between the dentist and the children's parents can help determine if the child is fit to be sedated using laughing gas. 

At Uptown Smiles, located in Oklahoma City, OK, the expert dentists provide sedatives that cause no harm to the patients. Call Dentist in Oklahoma City OK at (405) 702-7766 and book an appointment with the dentistry for more information regarding sedatives and other dental procedures. 



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